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Showing 46-60 of 1949 results

Amazing Grace Activities

Grace is a girl who loves stories and loves acting them out. When her class plans to perform the play Peter Pan, Grace knows she wants to play the lead!

Describe Measuring Penny Pictures

Blind kids benefit from picture descriptions every bit as much as sighted kids do from seeing the pictures. Don't forget to share these picture descriptions, written by a descriptive audio expert, especially for Great Expectations!

Describe Grumpy Monkey Pictures

Blind kids benefit from picture descriptions every bit as much as sighted kids do from seeing the pictures. Don't forget to share these picture descriptions, written by a descriptive audio expert, especially for Great Expectations!

Animal Friends

Owning a pet is a big responsibility, whether it is a tiny little goldfish or a giant Saint Bernard.

The Texture of Feelings

Textures can remind us of feelings we've had, and sometimes we even use the same words to describe textures as we use to describe feelings!

Speaking without Words

Nonverbal communication is an important part of how you "speak" to others. The best part is: just as you can choose what words you use, you can also choose what facial expressions and body language you use! How and how much you choose to communicate is entirely up to you!

Tactile Graphs

Have fun surveying your friends and family, then turn your data into a bar graph or pie chart.

Same Versus Different

Comparing things is a great way to learn how they are the same and how they are different. We can compare size, shape, texture, smell, taste, or any physical feature that can be put into words.

Accessible Measuring Tools

Measurement is the process of finding a unit (often a number) that tells something about an object or event. We can measure distance, size, weight, volume, temperature, and much more and there are lots of fun accessible tools to help us!

Make Your Own Balance Scale

Balance scales are easy to make and easy to use. Make your own to compare the weight of small items around the house. Are four quarters heavier or lighter than four nickels? Are six gumballs heavier or lighter than six peanuts?

Estate Planning

Planned giving is a wise investment that can provide considerable tax benefits and income for you and your loved ones. The Braille for Life Alliance honors supporters who wish to support our mission into the future by making provisions for National Braille Press in their estate plans - either by will, trust, or life income gifts.


Bring Braille Literacy to Children and Adults!

Make A Gift

Literacy Champions are our monthly donors. By committing to give even just $5 or $10 a month, your donation will provide a dependable source of revenue that allows us to keep producing high-quality, low-cost braille products.


ADA Celebration Day is a yearly event held each July in Boston that celebrates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each year, the event honors a local organization that has made an impact on accessibility or inclusion in Boston. ADA Celebration Day is an event for people of all ages and all abilities to come together and celebrate a milestone in the disability community.

The Power of Braille

Reading in the Digital Age