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Physical Science Concepts and Challenges

ISBN: 9780785467670

Leonard Bernstein, Martin Schachter, Alan Winkler, Stanley Wolfe
Pearson Education, Inc.
14 volumes
Braille type: Nemeth, Contracted, Interpoint, Graphic Pages

Volume Braille Pages Graphic Pages Print Pages
01 156 9 i-xviii and 1-32
02 189 16 v-vi and 33-78
03 199 9 vi-vii and 79-128
04 171 17 vii-viii and 129-166
05 187 17 viii-xi and 167-208
06 170 17 ix-x and 209-244
07 191 25 x-xi and 245-290
08 150 17 xi and 291-330
09 187 22 xii and 331-374
10 107 13 xiii and 375-398
11 143 21 xiii and 399-426
12 115 12 xiv and 427-452
13 123 16 xiv and 453-478
14 154 3 xv and 479-503

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