Find Pete! Scavenger Hunt
Pete is waiting for you to find him and has left clues throughout the school! Find Pete and a delicious snack awaits you!

Help your child explore their surrounding with this easy-to-play scavenger hunt. This game was designed to play at school but you can change the clues to play this game at home with your child.
What You'll Need
How to Set Up this Activity
- 1. Decide which area will be the destination and place Pete the Cat and his "cat food" snacks near the entrance of the room where they will easily be found.
- 2. Place the "Letter from Pete" in the back of the book along with the destination clue card for students to read when they finish the book.
- 3. Have the students read the letter first, and then the clue card to start the search.
- 4. Encourage students to use their O&M skills to navigate their way around campus allowing them to search as independently as possible! Give verbal hints as to where Pete might be hiding, if needed.
- 5. Once Pete is found, sit down and have a snack. Searching for Pete is hard work!
- Make it fun by being enthusiastic and using lots of descriptions to describe the route and each destination.
- Listen for sounds, tactile clues, and even different smells as you reach the lunch room.
Looking for Pete in the music room!
This activity was created by Hillary Kleck for Great Expectations